Automation error: Drawing is Busy when trying to save a DWG file

Automation error: Drawing is Busy when trying to save a DWG file

Automation error: Drawing is Busy when trying to save a DWG file


Intermittent errors appears when saving DWG files with AutoCAD 2012 and 2013 with the message; 

Automation error: Drawing is busy 

AutoCAD then crashes or hangs losing all work from last save.


This issue is related with the acaddoc.lsp, acad.fas or acad.vlx virus issues, files that appear duplicated in all folders from where you open dwg files.


First thing to do is to check if your computer contains any virus, usually it's linked to the acaddoc.lsp and acad.fas stored in all folders from where you open the dwg files: 

1.      Search for all these files and delete all of them.

2.      Next, check the article, How to detect and remove the Acad.vlx virus, if the file that appears copied in all folders is not one of the specified in the solution, you need to update the lisp code (point 2) as specified below:



How to detect and remove the Acad.vlx virus


Users of AutoCAD-based products have reported a malicious acad.vlx file that causes drawing corruption.


This is not an actual AutoCAD file provided by Autodesk. When the malicious acad.vlx file is loaded in AutoCAD, it corrupts the drawing, which may result in a Missing Language Pack dialog box displaying when you save and reopen the drawing.

The acad.vlx file creates a copy of itself in the Help folder (for example, C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 20xx\Help\logo.gif). Several other files are also modified and the ACADLSPASDOC system variable is set to 1, allowing the acad.vlx file to be loaded into other opened drawings, thereby corrupting them.

The cleanup process outlined below detects and deletes any acad.vlx file before AutoCAD attempts to load it, preventing the spread of the virus.

To prevent additional file corruptions

You must be a system administrator on your Microsoft® Windows® operating system to complete this process.

1.      In your product installation folder, locate the Support folder (for example, C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 20xx\Support).

2.      In the Support folder, double-click the acad20xx.lsp file (for example, the acad2014.lsp file for AutoCAD 2014). Add the code below to the file. AutoCAD will detect and delete the acad.vlx and logo.gif files.

(defun cleanvirus( / lspfiles lspfile x)
  (setq lspfiles '("acad.vlx" "logo.gif"))
  (foreach lspfile lspfiles
    (while (setq x (findfile lspfile))
        (vl-file-delete x)
        (princ "\nDeleted file ")
        (princ x)


3.      Open each of the following files:

o    C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 20xx\Express\acetauto.lsp

o    C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 20xx\Support\ai_utils.lsp

o    ROAMABLEROOTPREFIX\Support\acad.mnl
Note: Replace ROAMABLEROOTPREFIX with the value returned by the ROAMABLEROOTPREFIX system variable.

4.      If present, delete the following line of code:

(vl-file-copy(findfile(vl-list->string'(108 111 103 111 46 103 105 102)))(vl-list->string'(97 99 97 100 46 118 108 120)))

5.      Save each file.




3.      If the files duplicated are, for example acaddoc.lsp and/or acad.fas.

4.      In your product installation folder, locate the Support folder (for example, C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 20xx\Support).

5.       In the Support folder, double-click the acad20xx.lsp file (for example, the acad2014.lsp file). Add the code below to the file. AutoCAD will detect and delete the "acaddoc.lsp" and/or  "acad.fas" in adition to the files referenced in the document:

(defun cleanvirus( / lspfiles lspfile x)
  (setq lspfiles '("acad.vlx" "logo.gif" "acaddoc.lsp" "acad.fas"))
  (foreach lspfile lspfiles
    (while (setq x (findfile lspfile))
        (vl-file-delete x)
        (princ "\nDeleted file ")
        (princ x)
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